About department

The name of the department: «FORENSIC MEDICINE AND MEDICAL LAW»

The Department for Education and educational resources and software implementation was formed by order № 207 of the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education of 29 August 2001, and by the order № 166 of Tashkent Pediatric Medical Institute of 21.09.2001y.

Activity of the department is controlled by the legislation of Uzbekistan and the charter higher educational agency and is part of the Institute of Structural Forensic science is an independent medical discipline, studying and resolving issues raised by forensic investigators in the investigation and trial.

Tasks of forensic medical examination:
1. Assist law enforcement agencies in cases (criminal and civil) relating to the offence against life, health, dignity and health of the population as a whole;
2. Assisting health authorities in improving the quality of treatment and prophylactic work

The Department is situated on 4-territories:
In the territory of Head bureau of Forensic Medical Examination of Republic of Uzbekistan(Tashkent ,district Olmazar, Shifokorlar 2 street, 7M)

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